
Berry Wax

Rhus succedanea Fruit Wax



A very soft and smooth wax that helps make delicate emulsions.

Where do we get it?

Lush UK purchases this wax from a German company, but the berries come from China. They are first harvested and processed into raw wax in their country of origin; then sent to Germany for further refinement (filtration with activated charcoal).

With seven manufacturing sites across the globe, this information may vary depending on where your Lush products were made.

What are the benefits of berry wax in cosmetics?

  • Very soft and lightweight on the skin.
  • Has emulsifying properties, meaning it helps other ingredients bind.
  • Often used as a vegan alternative to beeswax.

Unique stories

The Rhus verniciflua, or Chinese lacquer tree, and the Rhus succedanea, also called the wax tree, are two very similar flowering trees of the Toxicodendron genus. Cultivated primarily in China, Korea and Japan, they grow berries that are naturally coated with wax to protect themselves from heat, among other external threats. Extracting the wax is pretty simple as all you have to do is boil the fruit in water until the wax floats on top and can be skimmed off.

Homepage - Berry Wax